Sex Offender Courts: Not Now, But Check With Me in Four Years
Author: John S. Furlong.
Source: Volume 06, Number 02, February/March 2005 , pp.17-21(5)

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Editor’s Note: This article is written in response to C. Bruell and H. Grant, “Sex Offender Courts: Visions of Change,” 5 (6) SLR 71 (Oct./Nov. 2004). In their article, Bruell and Grant suggested that sex offender courts can and should be implemented, using the success of drug courts as a basis for their argument. They explained sex offender courts can utilize a system of therapeutic jurisprudence and take a collaborative approach to sex offender management. In his response, John Furlong states that sex offender courts are not likely to, nor should they, appear in the near future. He claims that the desire for the creation of sex offender courts represents yet another legislative fad, and that therapeutic jurisprudence is not the best solution for prevention or control of sexual offending.Keywords: