Effective Program Practices for At-Risk Youth
A Continuum of Community-Based Programs
By James Klopovic, M.A., M.P.A., Michael L. Vasu, Ph.D. and Douglas L. Yearwood, M.S.
Why do some youth programs succeed in generating funding and followers while others fizzle out for lack of support? It isn't necessarily the quality of the ideas or people: successful programs are designed to succeed. You'll find the simple but highly effective keys to designing and running successful youth programs in Effective Program Practices for At-Risk Youth.
This is one of the most highly praised books ever written on the subject. It has already helped educators and administrators, juvenile justice and social services professionals, and policy makers across the country design, implement, manage, and improve services and programs in both school-based and community settings.
It shows specifically:
- How to kick-start new programs and show results from Day One
- How to understand and effectively manage the full project life cycle process — from planning, to operation to expansion… and identify critical go/no go action points along the way
- How to sustain funding for ongoing programs—and retool when goals and needs change
- How to build a continuum of research-based, practice-proven community programs—from school readiness programs, to programs that help ensure parental involvement, to alternative school programs for children who are not thriving in regular schools, to juvenile day treatment programs for seriously at-risk youth
- How to stabilize your program in the community and become part of the permanent services landscape
"Institutions [will] benefit greatly from this forward-thinking approach with a focus on wellness, local partnerships and a continuum of performance-based services to target and keep risk-based youth on the track of becoming productive citizens."
—Debra Hershey Guren, President, The Hershey Foundation
"In 25 years working with programs for at-risk youth, this is the first comprehensive, process-oriented and community-focused description for developing, implementing and sustaining programs for the neediest children in our communities I've seen. This new book fills a void in the literature and will welcomed by parents, teachers, administrators, policy makers and all youth workers."
—Bert L'Homme, Ph.D., Associate Superintendent for Instructural Services, Durham Public Schools, Durham, NC
Related Publications:
Juvenile Justice Update
Women and Girls in the Criminal Justice System: Policy Issues and Practice Strategies
Home-Based Services for High-Risk Youth
Table of Contents (PDF)
Format: Hardcover Book
© MMIII 398 pp.
ISBN: 978-1-887554-35-0
Price: US $135.95
Product Code: EPY