Financial Exploitation of the Elderly
Legal Issues • Prevention • Prosecution • Social Service Advocacy
Rose Mary Bailly, J.D. and Elizabeth Loewy, J.D.,
with Margaret A. Bomba, J.D. and James J. Lynch, M.D.
Proven strategies and step-by-step guidelines
for aiding elderly victims of fraud, deception,
theft and breaches of fiduciary duty …
Financial Exploitation of the Elderly is a one-stop reference and problem-solver for professionals who work with, protect and represent elderly clients who are—or are at risk of becoming—victims of financial abuse. This comprehensive desk reference:
- Provides checklists and forms that banks and APS offices can use to report suspected abuse
- Tells you how states’ criminal laws may be used in cases of financial exploitation, and when they may not apply
- Explains when and how to file a civil action
- Shows how to build and present evidence needed to support a case against exploiters
- Describes problems law enforcement faces in investigating and prosecuting financial abuse cases
- Suggests ways Adult Protective Services and law enforcement personnel can work together effectively to help older victims of financial exploitation
- Explains which vulnerable adults require guardians, and how a guardian is appointed and supervised…or removed
- Explains how financial abuse cases are handled within the criminal justice system and the sentences that may be imposed
- Outlines the various methods exploiters use to steal from the elderly
- Shows how police and prosecutors can build a case against an exploiter, even when the victim is impaired and unable to testify
- Provides practice pointers and handy forms to use in financial exploitation cases involving older clients
- Details key issues relating to the abuse of powers of attorney and how to decide whether a case may be prosecuted as a crime in Criminal Court.
Plus—You get a wealth of primary legal resource material including the text of critical state civil and criminal statutes, guidelines for guardians and money managers, comprehensive review of national reporting requirements, and more.
Related Publications:
Abuse and Neglect of Vulnerable Adult Populations
Legal Issues of Dependent and Incapacitated People
Victimization of the Elderly and Disabled
Table of Contents (PDF)
Format: Looseleaf Book
© MMVII 676 pp.
ISBN: 978-1-887554-57-2
Subscription: US $158.50
Product Code: FEE