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Abuse and Neglect of Vulnerable Adult Populations , Joanne Marlatt Otto, M.S.W., Editor
Adolescent Sexual Development and Sexuality , Donna A. Gaffney, R.N., D.N.Sc., F.A.A.N. and Carol Roye, R.N., Ed.D., C.P.N.P., Editors
Advances in School-Based Mental Health Interventions
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder , Peter S. Jensen, MD and James R. Cooper, MD, Editors
Behavioral Health Care , John S. Lyons, Ph.D. and Dana A. Weiner, Ph.D., Editors
Campus Sexual Assault Response Teams , Donna M. Barry, APN, FN-CSA, Director, University Health Center, and Paul M. Cell, Chief of Police, Montclair State University
Child Victimization , Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D. and Sarah M. Giacomoni, B.A., Editors
Children With Sexual Behavior Problems, Interventions for , Ryan K. Grant, LCSW and Lesley H. Lundeberg, LCSW, Editors
Community Corrections Management , William D. Burrell
Complete Guide to Nonprofit Organizations , Penina Kessler Lieber, J.D. and Donald R. Levy, J.D., Editors
Complete Guide to Retirement Plans for Small Businesses , Mark S. Weisberg, J.D., and Donald R. Levy, J.D., M.B.A., Editors
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for At-Risk Youth , Barry Glick, Ph.D., NCC, ACS, LMHC
Correctional Health Care: Forms, Checklists & Guidelines , Jacqueline M. Moore, Ph.D., RN, CCHP-A, Editor
Correctional Health Care: Practice, Administration and Law , Fred Cohen, Esq., Editor
Correctional Health Care, Management and Administration of , Jacqueline Moore, Ph.D., RN, CCHP-A, Editor
Correctional Psychiatry , Ole J. Thienhaus, M.D., M.B.A. and Melissa Piasecki, M.D.
Correctional Psychology , Barbara K. Schwartz, Ph.D., Editor
Domestic Violence, Abuse, and Child Custody , Mo Therese Hannah, Ph.D. and Barry Goldstein, J.D., Editors
Effective Program Practices for At-Risk Youth , James Klopovic, M.A., M.P.A., Michael L. Vasu, Ph.D. and Douglas L. Yearwood, M.S.
Electronic Monitoring Statutes in the United States , Journal of Offender Monitoring Editors
Electronic Monitoring Survey , Margaret M. Conway, Editor
Facing the Shadow: A Guided Workbook for Understanding and Controlling Sexual Deviance , Barbara Schwartz, Ph.D. & Gregory M.S. Canfield, MSW
Forensic Mental Health: Working with Offenders with Mental Illness ,Gerald Landsberg, DSW, MPA, and Amy Smiley, Ph. D., Editors
Financial Exploitation of the Elderly , Rose Mary Bailly, J.D. and Elizabeth Loewy, J.D.
Financial Markets in Recovery , CRI Tax Editors
Handbook of Sex Offender Treatment , Dr. Barbara K. Schwartz, Editor
High-Performance Correctional Facility , Gary F. Cornelius
Home-Based Services for High-Risk Youth , Stacey M. Cornett, MSW, LCSW, IMH-E®(IV)
Home-Based Services in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health , Stacey M. Cornett, MSW, LMSW, IMH-E® (IV)
Hopeful Paths: Prosocial Approaches to Changing Inappropriate Sexual Behavior , Barbara Schwartz, Ph.D. & Henry R. Cellinia, Ph.D.
Hopeful Paths Facilitator's Guide , Barbara Schwartz, Ph.D. & Henry R. Cellinia, Ph.D.
How To Conduct a Defensible Due Process Disciplinary Hearing , William C. Collins, Esq.
Interventions for Children With Sexual Behavior Problems , Ryan K. Grant, LCSW and Lesley H. Lundeberg, LCSW, Editors
Intimate Partner Violence , Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D. and Sarah M. Giacomoni, B.A., Editors
Introduction To Mental Health Treatment In Corrections: A Clinician’s Perspective , Emil R. Pinta, M.D.
Jail Inmates with Mental Disorders, Management and Supervision of, 2nd Edition , Martin Drapkin
Juvenile Justice: Policies, Practices & Programs , H. Ted Rubin, J.D., M.S.W.
Juvenile Justice Now: Reinvention and Promise , H. Ted Rubin, J.D., M.S.W.
Legal Issues of Dependent and Incapacitated People , Dana Shilling, J.D.
Management and Administration of Correctional Health Care , Jacqueline Moore, Ph.D., RN, CCHP-A, Editor
Management and Supervision of Jail Inmates with Mental Disorders, 2nd Edition , Martin Drapkin
Managing Adolescent Depression , Rachel A. Zuckerbrot, M.D., Amy Cheung, M.D., Ruth E. K. Stein, M.D., and Peter S. Jensen, M.D., Editors
Managing Special Populations in Jails and Prisons , Stan Stojkovic, Ph.D., Editor
Mentally Disordered Inmate and the Law, 2nd Edition , The, Fred Cohen, Esq.
Mental Health Treatment In Corrections: A Clinician’s Perspective, Introduction To , Emil R. Pinta, M.D
Money Laundering, Terrorism and Financial Institutions , Raymond Banoun, J.D. and John Ensminger, J.D., LL.M., Editors
Planning for Art Investments , Richard M. Horwood, J.D., LL.M., M.B.A.
Practical Guide to Correctional Mental Health and the Law , Fred Cohen, Esq.
Practical Guide To Inmate Discipline (2d Ed.), William C. Collins, Esq.
Practice and Procedure in the U.S. Tax Court , Danshera Cords, J.D., LL.M.
Programs for Men Who Batter: Intervention and Prevention Strategies in a Diverse Society , Etiony Aldarondo, Ph.D. and Fernando Mederos, Ed.D., Editors
Reentry Planning for Offenders With Mental Disorders , Henry A. Dlugacz, M.S.W., J.D., Editor
Representing the Domestic Violence Survivor, 2nd Ed , Barry Goldstein, J.D., and Elizabeth Liu, J.D.
Resilience-Building Schools for At-Risk Youth , Maura A. Mulloy, Ph.D.
Retirement Plans for Small Businesses, Complete Guide to , Mark S. Weisberg, J.D., and Donald R. Levy, J.D., M.B.A., Editors
School Safety Management , Richard L. Glover, CSWM, MSSW and Henry R. Murphy, CPP
Science, Treatment and Prevention of Antisocial Behaviors , Diana H. Fishbein, Ph.D., Editor
Sex Offender, The , Barbara K. Schwartz, Ph.D., Editor
Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification: A "Megan's Law" Sourcebook , Karen J. Terry, Ph.D. and John S. Furlong, J.D.
Sex Offender Treatment, Handbook of , Dr. Barbara K. Schwartz, Editor
Sexual Predator, The , Anita Schlank, Ph.D., Editor
Sexually Abusive Behavior in Youth , Dr. Barbara K. Schwartz, Editor
Stalking , Mary P. Brewster, Ph.D.
Supreme Court and Corrections, The , William C. Collins
Tax-Free Like-Kind Exchanges , By Bradley T. Borden, J.D., LL.M., M.B.A., C.P.A.
Tax Issues in Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Second Edition , Williard D. Horwich, J.D., C.P.A
Substance Dependence and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorder , Edward V. Nunes, M.D., Jeffrey Selzer, M.D., Petros Levounis, M.D., M.A., and Carrie A. Davies, B.S.,Editors
Treating Addicted Offenders , Kevin Knight, Ph.D. and David Farabee, Ph.D., Editors
Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder , Steven W. Evans, Ph.D. and Betsy Hoza, Ph.D, Editors
Treating the Lifetime Health Effects of Childhood Victimization , Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D.
Understanding and Treating Adolescent Substance Use Disorders , Nancy Jainchill, Ph.D., Editor
Victimization of the Elderly and Disabled , Dana Shilling, J.D., Editor
Violence Against Women , Joan Zorza, Esq., Editor
Women and Girls in the Criminal Justice System: Policy Issues and Practice Strategies , Russ Immarigeon, MSW, Editor
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