Complete Guide to
Retirement Plans for Small Businesses
Tax Law • ERISA Requirements •
Planning and Compliance Guidance
Edited by Mark S. Weisberg, J.D.
With the assistance of
Donald R. Levy, J.D., M.B.A.
Small business owners can afford to offer their employees—and themselves—wealth-preserving retirement plans. This comprehensive guide shows how.
Current law and changes in the skilled labor marketplace have made qualified retirement plans an increasingly affordable employee benefit—and a valuable personnel-management tool.
Written by professionals for professionals, this practical, authoritative volume shows how to …
- Take advantage of the business and tax savings offered by qualified plan sponsorship
- Plan for a secure financial future for owners and senior executives
- Understand critical tax planning issues that are key to making a plan work
- Comply with regulatory requirements for plan design and administration
- Plus model forms and documents you can use as-is or adapt as needed
Our expert team addresses all the tough questions clients ask:
- Why does a retirement plan make sense for a smaller business? How small is “big enough” for a business to consider having a retirement plan?
- What are the differences between the various types of plans and which type will benefit the business owner most?
- What information has to be provided to get a plan approved by the IRS, what must be disclosed to employees, and what are the legal and accounting issues?
- What are the pros and cons of the
various types of plans available?
- How can a retirement program be designed to provide life income that goes beyond a participant’s personal life expectancy?
- When termination of employment
occurs what are the alternatives available to roll over what has been accumulated to another form of tax-sheltered investment?
- Can a plan be structured to allow an employee to receive or roll over distributions earlier than 65? after 65? even without termination?
- Can distributions be made in more than one form and at more than one time?
- What range of investment alternatives should be offered to employees? How should these options be explained and communicated?
- How can an employer and trustee be insulated from liability for poor
investment results?
- What requirements for nondiscrimination must be met by the employer and how is an appropriate formula, within the employer’s budget, best determined?
Related Publications:
Journal of Taxation of Investments
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Table of Contents (PDF)
Format: Hardcover Book
© 2008 540 pp.
ISBN: 1-887554-65-3
Price: US $189.50
Product Code: RPSB