Substance Dependence and Co-Occurring
Psychiatric Disorders
Best Practices for Diagnosis and Clinical Treatment
Editors: Edward V. Nunes, M.D., Jeffrey Selzer, M.D., Petros Levounis, M.D., M.A., and Carrie A. Davies, B.S.
“The authors have managed to put together an encyclopedic reference text that is not only informative, but manageable for the reader, well organized, and enjoyable to read.”
—Belinda Seiger, Columbia University School of Social Work, in Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 12:1, 108-11
Now in one authoritative source:
What everyone who treats substance abuse must know about co-occurring psychiatric disorders …
This master reference, developed by a team of nationally known and respected researchers, clinicians, and program directors, is the first comprehensive handbook that provides a full treatment of all the most common psychiatric conditions that typically co-occur with substance use
disorders. This is an essential guide for
everyone who treats addiction, as well as for psychiatric clinicians—designed to help you develop and improve critical diagnostic skills and create coordinated treatment plans that achieve positive outcomes.
Get expert, hands-on guidance…
- Why clinicians and counselors must be prepared to address co-occurring substance use disorders and psychiatric disorders
- How common psychiatric disorders such as depression or anxiety disorders present in patients with alcohol and drug dependence
- Diagnostic criteria for common
psychiatric disorders and how to apply them in making a dual-diagnosis
- How to distinguish symptoms caused by intoxication or withdrawal from symptoms caused by a psychiatric disorder
- How to develop and implement an
effective program of routine screening for common psychiatric disorders in patients with substance use disorders
- What components to include in
treatment plans that integrate services for both substance use disorders and psychiatric disorders
- How to evaluate problems with
learning and attention in patients
with substance use disorders
- How to identify and manage special issues—such as nicotine dependence, chronic pain, suicide risk, medical
problems, medication interactions, and issues relevant to adolescents with substance use disorders—in dually
diagnosed patients
- How to evaluate substance use, abuse, and dependence in patients with
psychiatric disorders
- What current research says about the evidence for pharmacotherapeutic and behavioral treatments
- How to organize clinical services to meet the needs of dually diagnosed patients
Develop essential skills in 10
critical areas:
1. Epidemiology
2. Assessment
3. Psychiatric Symptoms
4. Substance Abuse Symptoms
5. Medical Symptoms
6. DSM-IV Terminology
7. Differential Diagnosis
8. Pharmacotherapy
9. Psychotherapy
10. Twelve-Step Programs
Plus! Earn continuing education credits through The Addiction Institute of New York.
Substance Dependence and
Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders includes a 60-question Continuing Education and Clinical Skills Examination administered by The Addiction Institute of New York. Successful completion earns 20 NYS CASAC (New York State Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor) credits. (Professionals in other states should check with their own state credentialing boards to see if credits will apply.)
“The authors have managed to put together an encyclopedic reference text that is not only informative, but manageable for the reader, well organized, and enjoyable to read. This text is applicable for a wide audience in need of a handy reference or guidebook, including students in all medical and mental health disciplines, whether a novice or experienced clinician. The timely recommendations in each chapter enhance the reader’s understanding of the complex interplay between addiction and other psychiatric disorders, and make an outstanding training manual for medical and mental health clinicians across many professions. This book would be a welcome addition as a primary text in all courses on addiction and psychopathology, as well as a timely addition to the library of the experienced professional as well.”
—Belinda Seiger, Columbia University School of Social Work, in Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 12:1, 108-110
Related Publications:
Treating Addicted Offenders
Offender Program Report
Understanding and Treating Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
Table of Contents (PDF)
Format: Paperback
© 2010 632pp.
ISBN: 978-1-887554-91-6
Price: US $89.95
Product Code: SDCPB
Format: Hardcover Book
© 2010 632pp.
ISBN: 1-887554-66-1
Price: US $149.50
Product Code: SDC